"Kiniko" Coffee Factory in Batusangkar West Sumatera

"Kiniko" Coffee Factory in Batusangkar West Sumatera
Coffee is one beverage that is avoided for many patients with hypertension. However, it is quite difficult for the addict to stop drinking habit. Coffee at this time have been born with a variety of modifications. Among the popular and fairly mainstream society such as instant coffee without grounds, coffee in its packaging has been mixed with milk, or Kopi Luwak (civet coffee) is coffee that comes out with the civet droppings (a type of weasel) who ate beans, because the undigested coffee beans out again along with feces of Luwak (civet). In the body of  luwak, coffee beans undergo fermentation process so that it becomes free from acid found in regular coffee beans. That said, the price of civet coffee is the most expensive in the world.

Not all coffee drinkers never seen coffee beans directly. Because most coffee trees planted on the land in a certain area. While the beans are usually processed at the plant, although there is also a simple coffee-breaking machine. In areas Batusangkar, there are local coffee processing plant, precisely the Road Bukittinggi - Batusangkar KM 16. (West Sumatera) Coffee produced factory labeled "Kiniko". Hearing the word "plant" is certainly what comes to mind first is a large building with all activity in it that are not open to access by the public. 

However, the coffee plant to achieve it must first enter the lane (not the main road) is one of tourist of agenda to visit for many tourists when visiting Batusangkar. In fact, tourists can taste the delicious Kiniko coffee before deciding to buy it as a souvenir. If you want to enjoy a brew coffee, also provided space in the rear window of the coffee sales. Pieces of logs that can be used as seating, comfortable enough to relax while enjoying hot coffee.

Kiniko coffee made from robusta coffee types. with traditional processing but can result in a fine coffee powder. To determine the processing of coffee, we can see right from the beginning in the process from how smooth the process of packing coffee beans to coffee in plastic packets of various sizes. In addition to the local coffee processing, effort is also made several other traditional foods and beverages such as ginger coffe, banana chips, etc

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