Kawa Coffee in Batusangkar, West Sumatera

Kawa Coffee in Batusangkar, West Sumatera
Crossing highway Batusangkar - Bukittinggi by motorcycle is a routine activity I do every weekend to continue my study. Saturday morning before the sun rises, I start the day. With the motorcycle, my mileage distances greater than 100 km, From my house in Padang Sibusuk, Sijunjung to the city of Bukittinggi. Cold and wet air attack my body.. I hate to have that when morning dew soaks my face. In fact, the fog made the streets can be seen only visible within a radius of a few meters.

Entering the city of Batusangkar, warm start to creep along the sunrise. Always sunny morning show charming landscape. On the left and right of the road, rice terrace looks verdant with the background of Mount Merapi. Although almost every Saturday and Sunday I got through this way, I never get bored with the scenery along this road. You could say "here really my favorite place".  I stopped for a moment; relax while enjoying the fresh air and see the paddy fields as far as the eye could see.

While I have a more relaxed way home, I spend stopped at roadside stalls to try regional specialties menu. Stalls in front of him plastered signpost reads "Kawa Coffe ", I flown on an afternoon. Initially, I can not imagine at all for food on offer, only curiosity driven by the phrase "kawa Coffe" made me desperate to get into the tavern on the green area.    

Kawa Coffee in Batusangkar, West Sumatera
Kawa Coffee is a kind of flavored coffee drinks. Interestingly, not rising from coffee beans, but from coffe's leaves. According to information from the seller, not all types of coffee leaves can be used to make kawa Coffee. Only the leaves of a certain type of coffee grown in this area which is used to make Kawa coffee. Before it is ready to drink brewed, the leaves are dried first by roasting. As for getting the coffee leaves a relatively dry, takes a long time, almost half a day, which is approximately 11 s / d 12 hours. And to make it into a drink, the dried leaves boiled with water.

Kawa Coffee in Batusangkar, West Sumatera
How to serve coffee kawa no less unique. Not poured in like a coffee cup, but presented using containers made of coconut shell; propped up with bamboo mats as high as approximately 10 cm. Snacks companion Kawa coffee is a variety of fried foods, such as fried bananas. Batusangkar who have the cold air, making growling stomach. However, fried foods served pretty good for the stomach, Warm feeling running down the throat ... hmm delicious.

Kawa Coffee in Batusangkar, West Sumatera
The scenery around expanse dominated by rice fields. That afternoon, a group of traditional farmers still seem busy working on the rice while joking. From inside the stall, Mount Merapi can be seen from a distance. Moment, despite feeling tired during the trip when I saw the shades of verdant rural atmosphere is still thick. Surely such a situation, it is rare for those of you who live in big cities. Wanna try? Come on ... I'm ready to take you ..

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