Clock Tower (Jam Gadang)

clock tower (jam gadang)
Jam Gadang Located in the Central of Bukittinggi. Jam Gadang in English means :
Jam = Clock
Gadang from local language in west sumatera = Big
And the big clock have tower so, it's most familiar we call in english clock tower. A tower with a big clock on the top like Big Ben in London.
Clock Tower was built in 1926 by architect Yazid Sutan Gigi Ameh. Clock Tower was built as a gift from the Queen of the Netherlands to the Secretary of the City (controleur) Bukittinggi in the reign of the Dutch East Indies at that time, Rook Maker. While laying the first stone by his own son Rook Maker 6-year-old. The total cost of development reach 3,000 guldens, and if we look closely, there is a unique writing roman numerals on the clock this large sieve. When writing the number four in roman numerals using the symbols "IV", the Clock Tower on the fourth digit of writing using symbols "IIII"

Top of the Tower Clock Tower building as high as 26 meters has been amended several times as follows:

  • Beginning in Build a round and stands a statue of a rooster on it.
  • Age of the Japanese occupation of pagoda-shaped spire revamped
  • In the period of Indonesia's independence, culminating converted into ornaments Minangkabau traditional house.

Located right in the heart of Bukittinggi, the Clock Tower is a city icon for the people of Bukittinggi. Every visitor who came to Bukittinggi, be sure will visit this clock tower. Around the Clock Tower there are gardens for relaxing unwind, there is also a traditional shopping center and various shops selling various souvenirs. There are also modern shopping center near that clock tower, the Ramayana Dept. Store. Even from the Clock Tower, we also can reach other tourist attractions such as Kinantan Zoo within walking distance from the Clock Tower

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