Mahout Part II

In the print media and national television often preached about the elephant in conflict with humans. Elephant population who entered the field that’s the area before used as a habitat of elephants.

Mahout Melatih Gajah untuk atraksiThe cases like this is probably due to the elephant began to hurry with a narrowed scope. Then what can be done if the incidence of wild elephants into conflict with humans repeat many times? Mahout working with the forestry police and the Natural Resources Conservation Center (We call it BKSDA) to the pursuit of The wild elephants who have a conflict with humans. According to the sites of Indonesia WWF Arrest Asian Elephant in Sumatra should be considered as a last choice and should only be performed on the regions where the carrying capacity of its natural habitat is no longer adequate. If absolutely unavoidable, a very serious treatment of every step in the process of catching and training would be required post-arrest.

Mahout and animal keeper at Kandi ZooIf they do this last choice, BKSDA team and Mahout will trace the elephant in the jungle with makeshift consumption. They will be drugged this in conflict elephant. Then handcuffed/chained the elephants at the foot at big trees in the vicinity of drugged elephants. When elephants are captured a huge elephant usually be lifted and transported by truck tractor to the next taken to the elephant training center. However, if the elephant who was arrested not too large, simply drawn with other elephants that have been tamed and can be controlled.

According to one source, who claimed there an incident had no casualties during the capture of wild elephants who destroying the fields. Elephant which was originally targeted arrests, first lifted the body of Mahout with its trunk. With the rapid movement of the elephant's body slam this poor Mahout to the ground and then trampled with great legs. Mahout dead caused in a tragic death.

Mahout and Visitor Another story comes from the Mahouts at Kandi Zoo who comes from the Elephant Training Center, Minas-Riau Province, Indonesia. Along with the elephants they have to travel from Minas, Riau Province toward Sawahlunto at night. When the bitter cold air, the Mahouts sitting on elephant back not less than 13 hours with open truck that runs quietly. This was done to anticipate the movements of elephants, to remain the elephants in a state of calm during travel to Sawahlunto. West Sumatera Province, Indonesia. Calmness is needed because if the elephants doing the unexpected movement or restless elephants can cause unstable car on the way to Sawahlunto

With a skill that is possessed, besides a provision , the the Mahout also get its own satisfaction when visitors feel comforted with an attraction by their elephants.

PS: Preserve the Forest and protect the rare animals in it.

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