Companionship With Sun Bear

The companionship with sun bearSun Bear is one of the rare species of protected under national wildlife protection laws and vulnerable status is expressed or endangered category on of threatened species. Sun Bear in scientific name Helarctos malayanus is the world’s smallest species of bear among the 8 types bear. High average sun bears about 1.2 meters. Sun bears are omnivores, sun bears have nails and fangs long and sharp. Sometimes these animals become aggressive and vicious.

Putra Ario, is a young man who comes from Payakumbuh, West Sumatra - Indonesia. He have never imagined would interact directly with the Sun Bear every day. At the beginning, when he worked at Kandi Zoo as the operator of All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)

One day when Kandi Zoo do conservation measure of Sun Bear. However, when the Sun Bear is the occupants of animals in cages, there is no officer was able to maintain wildlife. They feel afraid (Fear of that bear) because often they hear about the violence of the sun bear.

But not for Rio, a man who was born 25 years ago that had volunteered to take that opportunity as conservation measure to help conserve the wild bear. First time all of his colleagues doubted Rio to manage and be care in ways of that wild bear because none of Animal Keeper in Kandi Zoo has experienced in the wildlife preserve.

The companionship with sun bearCurrently Rio had new experience that the wild bear should be provided water, food, proper handling, healt care . Although proximity Rio with this animal long enough to even have been benign, Rio remain vigilant because all wildlife behavior unpredictable and predictable regularity. Moreover Rio experience ever one day when the Sun Bears into the cage, suddenly the Sun Bear chase him in anger.

Relationship between companion, Rio with this Sun Bear also detected by one of the private TV station in Indonesia. Thus in February 2010, two crew of that TV covering all Rio’s daily activities directly with the Sun Bear. Starting from cleaning cages, bathing and feeding of these animals. Rio, Be careful!

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